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Showing posts from August, 2013


As someone who has died already, twice, it shouldn’t be too surprising to know that I’m certain that a third death is in my future.   And, that leaving a lasting legacy is not far behind my concern of an imminent death.   I say imminent because, there are no guarantees that I’ll be alive at the end of this day?   And, time is limited as I haven’t heard of anyone recently living past the age of around 115?   Therefore, I can only assume than that my time left here is very narrow and that no time should be wasted in accomplishing my purpose. In one hundred years from now who will remember you were even here?   If you are remembered, what will they remember you for? Will your life be summed up as being mediocre at best, extremely bad, or for having created a positive change for mankind?   These are difficult if not shocking questions for most to digest, and then most will just push these thoughts deep down into the subconscious hopefully to be forgot...

Hollywood suicide prevention consultant

Movie stars, actors, actresses, producers, executives, brokers, politicians, and heads of State.  Over two decades of experience of successful suicidal interventions with the rich, politically connected, famous and average Joe’s. I’ve had the pleasure to meet with many celebrities and to help them overcome the source of their suicidal thoughts. The number one concern for anyone that is having suicidal thoughts is their need for anonymity, and confidentiality.  The stigma associated with being suicidal can destroy a career overnight.   I’ve consulted some of the biggest names in Hollywood, yet you will never hear their names from me and I doubt you’ll ever hear my name from them.  Careers could literally be in jeopardy to just be seen with me.  I’ve been hooded, taken to remote locations, smuggled into hotel rooms through back entrances, and have even have had a bogus news crew interview me, all so that a person in a place of power, or public sta...

How memories are made...?

MEMORY MAPPING, COMPONENTS, AND REMOVAL If we were to look at the mind and expose the energy signatures of stored memories it would look something like stars in the sky at midnight. Some memories are dim and barely visible while others shin bright and bold.   Our focus naturally is drawn to the brightest, and they demand our full attention. What makes some memories brighter, more intense than others? Memories with higher levels of power consumption are based on the emotional intensity at the time of an experience! The greater the emotional level at the time of an experience the better our recall will be of the details of that experience. Sensory perception levels become acute recording even the smallest of details. Memory Memories are formed as a result of sensory perception and emotional attachments. (See figure C) The ability to recall a specific memory is determined by the intensity of the emotion attached to it. When a negative emotion is strong enou...

Google's new app aiming to end suicide in military and for VETs

New app by Google aiming to lower military, and VET suicides through local nonprofit. |  Get the app  | Help lower military suicides now |  donate  | Help lower Veteran suicides now |  donate  | Press Release August 1, 2013 Google’s One Today App Aims To Make Charitable Donations A More Social, And Frequent, Experience   Drew Olanoff Thursday, April 18th, 2013 4  Comments Today, Google quietly ushered in a new application built on top of its  nonprofit arm, . The app is called  One Today , and it’s currently invite only for Android users at this time. The aim is to get people to donate $1 to different organizations, while getting the complete information about how your donation will be used up front. This is a huge stumbling block for nonprofits usually, as people are afraid that their money won’t actually get spent on making a real difference. One Today aims to change that. Additionally, One Today ...

The components of a human we can change our reaction to our past!

Mapping the components of a Matthew D. Dovel. Now with a five minute procedure the emotional value placed on a specific memory of an event, experience, can be removed permanently without long term treatment and/or mind or mood altering chemicals. This procedure is permanent and has no negative side effects.  Untreated intense emotional suffering can lead to unhealthy behavior like compulsions, phobia's, chemical dependencies, and/or suicidal thoughts. We have also developed a version of this procedure for those seeking self-help in the new pocket "Suicide Prevention Guide Booklet"! So, what is your problem?  What is your primary focus, thought, on and do you want to get rid of it?  Easy simple to follow instructions and mental freedom can be yours within minutes! Endorsed by mental health professionals, doctors and those in advanced studies on human behavior modifications.