Psychology Today: The Suicide Switch Why I’m considered the world’s leading authority in suicide prevention? About me: Matthew D. Dovel Unrelated to traditional psychologist, I have a heavy background in computer science going back to the 1980’s when I was diagnosing computer circuit boards and writing computer programming well into the 1990’s. I operated a computer consulting business starting in 1990, semi-retired now, and was what is called a hacker. I explored networks that didn’t involve taking information, or destructive behavior (more or less just for my personal entertainment). So, when I started looking into the mechanics of the mind in 1987 my prospective was one of a technician, not a psychologist. I immediately could see that the mind was just computer code, and programming. And, that the mind is nothing more than linked hard drives where data can be written, rewritten and erased. Programs run in the background t...
The cure for suicidal thoughts is here, now! What do people fear more than oblivion? Is it possible to remove a memory that is causing you pain, without damaging other memories or, the brain? How does quantum physics play a role in suicide prevention? Hollywood suicide prevention consultant....