Press Release: for Immediate Release International Suicide Prevention a 501(c)(3) Public Charity Nonprofit Las Vegas, Nevada, USA July 23, 2015 An international emergency suicidal hotline based out of Las Vegas, Nevada that has been operational since January 2006, which normally would receive between: 4 to 5 calls each day, now only receives only 1 to 2 calls per week. This trend began in November 2014 with the web release of emerging suicidal self-help procedures. The reason for this drastic drop in suicidal calls is a result of a recent discovery made by a scientist studying naturally-occurring phenomena as it relates to extreme behavioral modifications. He posted a new procedure that he developed of his findings on the website of ‘International Suicide Prevention’, the same site where the emergency hotline phone number is listed. The new discovery addresses memory pockets that have not been processed into the subconscious due to experiences that surpas...
The cure for suicidal thoughts is here, now! What do people fear more than oblivion? Is it possible to remove a memory that is causing you pain, without damaging other memories or, the brain? How does quantum physics play a role in suicide prevention? Hollywood suicide prevention consultant....